jueves, 24 de marzo de 2022

 The National Museum of Mexican Art – Chicago

Surrounding Kahlo:

Works from the Permanent Collettion

March 5, 2022 – January 15 , 2023 

Rubin & Paula Torres Gallery




Dear Adolfo:

How are you?


I'm very pleased to include the following artwork you donated, in an exhibition I curated titled Surrounding Kahlo: Works from the Permanent Collection.  


Luz Fabila Montes de Oca (b. 1905 Amanalco de Becerra, Estado de México - d. 1984 Mexico City), Retrato con rebozo y chalina (autorretrato) / Portrait with Headscarf and Shoulder Wrap (self-portrait), 1941, oil on paper / óleo sobre papel, National Museum of Mexican Art Permanent Collection, 2015.116, Gift of Adolfo Cantú on behalf of CYDT Colección de Arte Cantú y de Teresa in memory of Federico Cantú and Luz Fabila Montes de Oca


For more information, please visit:



The official reception will be on Friday, April 1, 2022 from 6:00 - 8:00PM.  Please check the NMMA newly designed website (www.nationalmuseumofmexicanart.org) as we get closer to April 1st as details regarding the reception are evolving.


I hope if your travel plans include Chicago, you'll consider a visit to NMMA as this exhibition has a very long run.




Rebecca D. Meyers

Permanent Collection Curator



The National Museum of Mexican Art is thrilled to announce the opening of Frida Kahlo, Her Photos. The exhibition comes from the archive of photographs that belonged to her personally and which were largely unknown. Now grouped together thematically into six sections by renowned Mexican photographer, curator and historian of photography in Mexico, Pablo Ortiz Monasterio, the exhibition reveals parts of the personal history of an artist, of a country and of a period. It is a photographic collage made up of images that allow us to discover new facets of a key figure in the 20th century.




The National Museum of Mexican Art – Chicago

Surrounding Kahlo:

Works from the Permanent Collettion

March 5, 2022 – January 15 , 2023 

Rubin & Paula Torres Gallery


(Detail) Ester Hernández (b. 1944), If This Is Death, I Like It (Si esto es la muerte, me gusta), 1991, serigraph / serigrafía, 11/70, NMMA Permanent Collection, 1993.14. Photo credit: Kathleen Culbert-Aguilar


Undoubtedly, the visage of Frida Kahlo has become the most instantly recognizable of all artists across time. Since her popularization in the 1980’s, she has been the subject of books, movies, an opera and a great deal of visual art created by others who have been moved by her paintings and life story. Drawn entirely from the Museum’s Permanent Collection, this exhibit explores works inspired by Frida Kahlo; the work of her students, known as “Los Fridos,” who learned from and surrounded her while she recovered at home in La Casa Azul; as well as familiar items that Kahlo chose to surround herself with such as arte popular, Mesoamerican artifacts and traditional clothing from her beloved Mexico.

Curated by Rebecca D. Meyers


Sin duda, el rostro de Frida Kahlo se ha convertido en el más reconocible al instante de todos los artistas a través del tiempo. Desde que su imagen se popularizó en los años ochentas, Frida ha sido el tema de libros, películas, una ópera y una gran cantidad de arte visual creado por otros artistas que han sido conmovidos por sus pinturas y su vida. Extraída enteramente de la Colección Permanente del museo, esta exposición explora obras inspiradas por Frida Kahlo; las obras de sus estudiantes conocidos como “Los Fridos”, quienes aprendieron y convivieron con ella mientras se recuperaba en su hogar “La casa azul”; así como con objetos familiares con los que Frida se rodeaba, tal como arte popular, utensilios mesoamericanos y el vestuario tradicional de su México querido.

Curado por Rebecca D. Meyers




BMO Harris
The Chicago Park District
The Joyce Foundation
Prince Charitable Trusts
Illinois Arts Council Agency



Hace una década Lupe Rivera me invito a firmar un acuerdo de colaboración con el Museo de Chicago ,  fue la época en la que el Museo presentaba una exposición y catalogo de mujeres en la pintura Mexicana , Carlos Tortolero fundador del Museo y Director del mismo nos invito a Expo Chicago y de ahí todo es historia ……..


El NMMA es un recinto que dedica de manera exponencial la presencia de el Arte Mexicano y de paso permite que nuestros conciudadanos que radican en los estados Unidos tengan un acercamiento a nuestra cultura y tradición , de ahí a que esta exposición  sumara una nueva y fructífera imagen de nuestro país 

En hora buena



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